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Holistic Health in New Haw, Surrey

Reflexology. Action 4

Reflexology - feet, face, hands

Reflexology is a treatment that may benefit the whole body through the manipulation of the feet or hands.

Originally derived from a practice used by the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians, it was only in the last century that the feet and hands were considered to be a map of the body. Quite simply, they are divided into zones. All parts and organs of the body, internal and external, fall into these zones according to their position in the body.

Reflexology works on the principle that, through the manipulation of the feet or hands, the body’s energy channels are cleared. Physical or mental problems may arise due to blocked energy channels. These blockages manifest themselves in the feet or hands. A reflexology treatment will help to dissipate the blockages, correct imbalances, clear energy channels and restore the body’s equilibrium.

The first reflexology treatment is longer than subsequent treatments as a comprehensive medical overview is taken at the beginning. I treat feet exactly as they are presented – verrucas are covered up, cuts/bruises are handled gently – I can work round any issues. Some people find areas a little uncomfortable, or even painful, but this tenderness eases; these are the blockages that are being alleviated. Clients find that they may become very drowsy, have a tingling sensation or feel energised – these are all normal reactions and indicate that the treatment is working.

It’s important to drink plenty of water after a treatment as a lot of toxins are released so the water helps to flush them out. The client is likely to have a deep, refreshing sleep but might notice some less pleasant responses to the treatment the following day. These are known as a “healing crisis” and responses may include strong-smelling breath or urine, a break-out of spots, a headache or even flu-like symptoms. These are signs that the toxins are working their way out of the body. They do not last but they are an important indication that the client is recovering from their condition.

Similar to foot reflexology, Facial reflexology is a treatment that benefits the whole body through the massage of different points (reflexes) on the face that correspond to parts of the body. During the treatment, the individual’s healing system is stimulated to help clear toxins resulting in a sense of revitalisation and balance.
In addition to helping the body function at its optimal level, Facial reflexology helps promote the production of new skin tissue and improve skin tone so that the individual can benefit from a younger, more radiant and glowing complexion.
The treatment begins with the removal of any makeup or debris from the face followed by some gentle, effleurage (massage) movements of the face, neck and shoulders. Oil is then applied to the skin. The start of the Facial reflexology sequence focuses on the reflex points around the eyes and forehead. Through tiny yet powerful massage movements the individual begins to feel deeply relaxed, the skin on the forehead and around the eyes is subtly smoothed out and the eyes and complexion become brighter and clearer.
Attention is then turned to the reflex points along and underneath the cheekbones as well as around the mouth. Subsequently the focus moves to the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and along the jaw line, the movements have now become larger to help release tension in an area that can become very tight and congested. This is followed by massage of the ears. The sequence is repeated and massage of the head and scalp, incorporating Indian head massage techniques, is carried out.
People who may benefit from this treatment are as follows:

• For individuals under a lot of stress as the face’s close proximity to the brain and cranial nerves mean that a deep level of relaxation can be experienced quickly
• For anyone that wishes to see their complexion and eyes rejuvenated with the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles over time
• For people that are looking for relief from sinusitis and congestion
• For anyone that suffers with tightness of the jaw and TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
• For anyone suffering anxiety and/or poor sleep and wishes to experience a deep sense of calm and relaxation
• For those that wish to boost a low immune system

The option of choosing hands over feet is often a personal comfort choice for people who wish to remain seated or who are unable to recline. For individuals that have suffered a disability or stroke, it can be a source of relief that is usually difficult to achieve. The same map of reflexes can be accessed and it is particularly efficient for treatment of the sinuses, teeth and for mental clarity as these reflexes are on the fingers and there is a greater surface area to work compared to the toes.

During a treatment, it is possible to pass on calming and pain-relief techniques that can be carried out easily on one's own hands.

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